What is android studio develope language in
What is android studio develope language in

what is android studio develope language in

Now, the android studio needs to download some required components.

what is android studio develope language in

On the following screen, select the theme as per your choice and click on ‘Next’. Therefore, select the ‘Standard’ option and click on ‘Next’.Īndroid Studio comes up with two beautiful and attractive built-in themes. It is suggested to choose the ‘Standard’ install Type. Select the appropriate data sharing policy as per your choice. The Android Studio will ask for the ‘Data Sharing’. On the ‘Android Studio Setup Wizard’ screen, click on ‘Next’. On the ‘Import Android Studio Settings’ screen, select the ‘Do not import settings’ option, and click on ‘OK’. Click on the application icon, and the android studio will be opened. The Android Studio application will appear. Go to the application menu and write ‘Android Studio’ in the search bar. Upon the first launch, we need to perform some initial configuration.įirst, launch the android studio. Perform Android Studio’s initial configuration ’To continue the installation process, press ‘y’. During the installation, the command line prompt with ‘y/n’ option.

What is android studio develope language in